Australian Wing Riders Association (Qld) Inc

A club for riders of Honda GoldWing and Valkyrie motorcycles

Turbo's Assassinated Texas Tour

Leaving here on Saturday morning, early. Oops!

Change no 1. Of which we were informed on the Monday night before the ride. That’s ok, we can both do with a good sleep in anyway. Meet every one out at the BP Blacksoil. Had a good rollup with Turbo and me (on a red one), Larry and Annette, (on a red one), Ray and Val, (on a red one), and Lionel and Mary, (on a Magenta one). 

The decision was made by all (?) to have some breakfast? Morning tea?, lunch?, but some of us were not listening. After some discussion we decided to go via Toowoomba, through to Warwick where we were going to stop for lunch. This decision was again made by all. At this point Clint and Charleen, (on ---- you guessed it, ANOTHER red one) joined us, and MAGENTA decided it was just too much and spat the dummy. She was surrounded by red ones, including the two busses that pulled up either side of us while we were having lunch, she didn’t want to play anymore.

With a few good words, and a jolt (not only to the bike, but Lionel’s heart as well) we were on our way again. This time having decided (between all of us) that it was best to go straight to Texas via Inglewood. We would leave Glen Lyon Dam till Sunday. Upon arriving at the Motel we parked the bikes and went to meet our hosts, a very nice couple by the name of John and Rita. John had some beers on ice, which the guys gladly got stuck into and we all sat and talked for a while, selling raffle tickets, eating munchies, and generally relaxing. The raffle was won by Lionel and Mary, a choice of two Mini Goldwings, (guess which colour Mary chose?). We had six to raffle so everyone ended up with one each, including John and Rita.

(Click on any photo for a larger version)

We decided to “spread the wealth” and go to the pub for dinner, and believe me, when they say the meals are TEXAS size, they are. So, after a thoroughly good meal, some fine wine (and other beverages), a spot of footy, good conversation and company, (including the change of itinerary for Sunday- you guessed right- agreed to by all) we slowly –and some of us not so straight, headed for our beds.

WHAT A WAKE UP CALL! Some one forgot to tell John we usually sleep in on Sundays. 6.30 AM. THE PHONE RINGS, breakfast is ready. That’s ok ,we’ve got a long day planned, but I really do think someone ought to explain to Val that you cannot turn the alarm off by hitting the phone. You actually have to answer the *#@*^# thing before it will stop making a noise.

The trip home, Glenlyon Dam, Tenterfield, Ballina, New Highway home, via Nando’s for afternoon tea. The back road through to Glenlyon Dam was (supposedly) a good road, with “only 2K” of dirt. Clint, you really need to get your speedo checked, because boy, is it out. I never want to hear “nearly there” again. In all honesty though, it was fun. Lots of twisty turns and good country road.

Dusty Red

We stopped at the dam to refuel, bikes and us, then off to Ballina for lunch at the Big Prawn. Off again to the new stretch of Burringbar Bypass. SMOOOOTH! And fast. Afternoon tea at Nando’s was as always a treat. Poor Lindsay still has not got his Wing back, so we (courtesy of Larry and Annette) gave him a mini one to dream over. From Nando’s we all went our separate ways home, but I do have to say this. A more relaxing and enjoyable weekend I have not had in a long time. The only thing I really would have changed, would have been to prevent Turbo from POLISHING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT (including, seat, armrests, and footpads) before we left home VERRRRY SLIPPERRRRY. . . 

Turbo and Wendy

Texas or Bust cont: Extra comments from the other conspirators:

Mary:  Considering I felt I was nearly on deaths door, and nearly did not go on the ride, I had an extra wonderful time and the good company and enjoyable ride seemed to banish all the last of my ills.

Ray and Valerie: Thanks Turbo – we changed times, destinations, meal arrangements and it all went very well. The dirt road according to “4 wheel drive speedo” is “approx” 2 Km. – but on a Goldwing it really did feel a bit longer, -- like 6 Km. The views were well worth it. The motel in Texas deserves another visit, - and the difference between Tenterfield and Casino, was as if a green carpet had been thrown over, -- Magic. Company was great, rides are always wonderful.

Val: Excellent weekend Turbo. Delete the 3-ins. Good company, good accommodation, good riding and good food Thanks.

Clint:  Great run and good to see all the Red Wings.  They ARE best.  I swear someone added some dirt to that 2km.  Amazing how different it feels in different vehicles.  I’m getting better on dirt, but I’ll need more than 20 years to get better than Turbo on corners.


An abundance of red bikes