Australian Wing Riders Association (Qld) Inc

A club for riders of Honda GoldWing and Valkyrie motorcycles

May 2011 Ride to Aubigny Hotel..

(Where on earth is the Aubigny Hotel?)

Sunday and it is sunshine at last, and we set off on our red wing for BP Blacksoil. Thommo had to fuel up, and I went ahead to order a coffee, and took the opportunity to say hello to a couple (as yet unknown) who were on a Goldwing. When I mentioned that I had better take the coffee out to Thommo – surprise – Keith was also known as Thommo and not only was he on the way to the Aubigny Hotel, he was a club member! On further interrogation, his pillion Gail was riding today and his wife Colleen was following in the car. More interesting events later!

Great to see Kevin & Morag already waiting, then Bevan & Therese arrived on the newly repaired Blue wing, and more new faces for Thommo and I – David and Caroline. Scott arrived closely followed by our ride leaders for the day Clint & Charleen. We duly set off and started our scenic ride through Fernvale and took the Crows Nest turn-off in Esk . We are heading for our morning tea destination at Lake Perseverance. But whoops, we didn’t turn into Perseverance Lake, we cruised on to a fabulous Look-out called Gus Beutels - with breathtaking views of the valley and mountain range. A hot cuppa was just right, and look-out Morag – you have competition! I couldn’t resist the smell of the Rasberry Slice and I was thanking Morag for the delicious snack when David had to let me know I was eating Caroline’s treat! However, Thommo enjoyed Morags tastey Strawberry Slice as well – so many thanks girls for our snack. The slice was much nicer than our Weight Watchers Bar.

Then it was time to enjoy those lovely country roads again, winding through towns unknown - eg. Goombungee (no Tourist Information here, so no badge for me). We were on our way to Oakey now, and as tail-end Charlie we realised that our green Toyota was not following us after a rather sharp turn-off. However, we were advised that Colleen had the hotel destination keyed-in to the G.P.S. so all should be fine.

So our delightful picturesque ride continued through Oakey, across the Toowoomba highway and down the Pittsworth Road – to- you guessed it – the Aubigny Hotel.

Now our stories begin. Firstly, we had concerns for the Bradfords – as Bevan had noticed the wing was dripping water at the morning tea-break, and consequently they made the decision to continue on home rather than stop and lose further liquid. (NB. They arrived home safely 3pm, and the wing has to be checked in for further repair).
Meanwhile our newest members-to-be were causing considerable attention – where was the green Toyota? Keith was on his mobile and found out that the car had run over a large object which turned out to be a tree root and had lodged itself under the car. Luckily no damage had been done, and Colleen & Gail (who was now travelling in the car) were on their way.

This was definitely an interesting way to get our attention! Another phone call revealed that the girls (Colleen & Gail) had missed the Pittsworth Road turn, and were now making their way to the Hotel. Apart from having ‘fun’ with Keith, we were getting plenty of comments from a group of push-bike riders who were doing the annual 100km ride around the Oakey district. As Morag nicely said “we are built for wings”.

Colleen and Gail arrived safely at last, and we all made our way into the hotel where we were treated to a very tasty lunch of BBQ steak and salad. All set out and served in real country style hospitality, delightful staff and we certainly wish the new owners success – they deserve it. We had the raffle after lunch – First Prize won by Kevin, Second Prize won by ‘yours truly’ yippee. Thanks Clint and Charleen.

Time to ride – and again Clint amazes us with his ability to avoid the main road, and we find ourselves on those wonderful winding roads in the hills. Travelling through Clifton and down through Maa Maa Creek, we saw where the water had gauged itself down the hills and dragged huge boulders down to the bottom. Click for a larger version
Lots of debris still in the creeks and the creeks themselves still have plenty of water. We love to see all the dams so full as well, and apart from our flood disasters, our countryside looks fabulous – so green – what a great country!

Thommo is checking our fuel, and comments – gee the 1500’s must be getting close! We pull into Macca’s at Gatton, but Kevin & Morag decide to make the next station as they did not like the fuel available. We parked and took the opportunity to say good-bye for the day. Ordered our coffees and we met yet another new couple of wing members – Gricey & Robyn who had been chasing us hoping to catch-up with us at the hotel. Happily – at least we were able to have-a-chat at last, and a little more teasing for our ‘newest members’ Keith & Colleen – never to be forgotten ride.

What a great way to spend our Sunday – thanks so much Clint & Charleen for a fabulous ride, great venue, great views and great company – ahh what a life! Well worth the wait after 2 previous attempts too, and we were a very merry little band.

Valerie & Thommo.